Everything You Need to Know About Bitcoin and Blockchain in Ecommerce


There are several trends influencing the ecommerce industry as a whole, but arguably the most visible of these is accepting cryptocorruencies as a payment method, given the astronomic rise of the Bitcoin price.

When it comes to payment processors in ecommerce sites, the talk used to be about credit cards, PayPal, COD (cash on delivery), et al. But now itโ€™s shifting towards bitcoins and digital currencies.

Digital currencies are the future of ecommerce. Bitcoin was founded in 2011, but back then it was hard to imagine that it could be put to any kind of practical use.

Local currencies couldnโ€™t be converted to bitcoin easily and, as a result, no retailer would even think of accepting bitcoins as payment. But things started changing gradually, particularly over the past 3 years.

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UPS vs. USPS: Which Is Better for Your Ecommerce Store?


Thereโ€™s nothing more satisfying than getting your ecommerce business set up and generating your first sale. Once the sales and revenue keep coming, you begin to think of yourself as an entrepreneur.

Setting up an ecommerce store isnโ€™t as hard as it probably was earlier. With platforms such as Shopify, WooCommerce, BigCommerce, and others, you are given all the technical support you need to get your ecommerce store up and ready.

You can also hunt for ideas on stuff to sell and select products you like or are more suited to your ecommerce intentions and resources. But for the sales and revenue to keep coming in, you need efficient delivery of the merchandise to your customers. Thatโ€™s where you build trust and goodwill.

And Iโ€™ll be frank: itโ€™s not easy to choose carriers.

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Site Design Myths Stifling Creativity


Want to know something that's costing you visitors, money and time, but is easily preventable?

It's the myths your marketing team (and maybe even people higher up the chain of command) have gobbled up about site design and the user experience, believing them simply because somebody with a little bit of fame said them, and everybody just went “Yeah, that sounds about right!”

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Trust Pilot vs Feefo vs Yotpo: The Ultimate Product Review Platform Comparison


What are some of your main goals as an ecommerce professional?

Would you like to increase traffic, build your reputation or increase conversions? What about improving your customer service?

All of these are fine goals, but putting your plan into action and actually achieving those goals becomes a little trickier. That's where customer reviews come into play, since they build your credibility, give your customers an easier shopping experience and combine with SEO to guide more people to your site.

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Woo Reviews by Wiremo Review: Sleek Customer Reviews with Requests and Conversations


Handling reviews through WooCommerce, or any ecommerce platform for that matter, can be slightly unorganized.

The same goes for the interface that customers use, where it asks for too much customer information to post aย review, or the form requires too many steps to publish.

In this Woo Reviews (by Wiremo) review, we're going to cover a plugin that hopefully mitigates all of your problems with reviews. It's a plugin that improves WooCommerce reviews, so those of you who utilize WordPress and WooCommerce for your online store will have a wonderful solution for customer reviews.

But wait:

Although the primary plugin covered today works with WooCommerce, Wiremo also supports integrations with the following systems:

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Picreel Review: Simple Exit Intent Offers That Don’t Burn You Out


Popups and promotional banners are only useful if they're targeted to the customer seeing them.

Think about it: If I land on an ecommerce store and they reveal an exit-intent popup banner for 20% off all ladies merchandise (I'm a guy,) I'm going to close the screen immediately.

It also depends on where the customer is located in the shopping process. For instance, maybe a user is thinking about throwing another item in their cart but they're not quite sure. In that case, you don't want to redirect them to a promotion for another product, but rather keep selling the item they were almost about to buy.

Not all exit offer plugins and apps allow for this type of flexibility, but Picreel seems to do a good job seeing what customers are doing on your site and only sending them the promotions and offers that make sense. So here's an in-depth Picreel review if you'd like to learn more about the most advanced exit intent technology for ecommerce websites.

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Mastering the Quest for Smarter Web Forms: Your Ultimate 2023 Guide


Online forms are one of the most tricky areas of website development to get right, especially with so many things that can go wrong. The changing nature of how people access online content also has had an impact on a technology that was developed years before people expected to be able to with a phone what they normally would only do with a computer. It's a technology which has undergone very little evolution.

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