Online Review Statistics You Should Know in 2023

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Online review statistics reveal some interesting insights into the power of social proof. In a world where consumers are growing increasingly less trusting of “traditional” advertising, reviews, testimonials, and genuine customer feedback has become extremely useful.

Around 95% of customers say they typically read a review before buying a product. The chances are you’ve even checked out a few star ratings and testimonials yourself before buying something particularly valuable.

Today, we’re going to be looking at some of the most helpful and interesting online review statistics you should keep in mind if you’re planning on using social proof in your marketing.

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The Ultimate TikTok Statistics for 2023

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TikTok statistics offer an interesting insight into the meteoric rise of the platform.

TikTok has quickly emerged as one of the most popular apps of all time in the social media space. Almost without warning, this social sensation captured the hearts and minds of a generation, by allowing them to share videos quickly and easily with their peers.

Though the channel has experienced some controversy throughout the years, being banned in various countries, and threatened with banning elsewhere, this hasn’t stopped its growth. Today, the channel stands as perhaps the most effective way of interacting with Gen Z, which may be why it’s captured the attention of so many brands, as well as consumers.

Today, we’re going to be looking at some of the most impressive TikTok statistics, to highlight how this phenomenal app has grown in recent years.

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WordPress Statistics: A Complete Guide (With Infographic)

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For endless business and website owners across the globe, WordPress has emerged as the go-to option for anyone hoping to launch their own website. WordPress is one of the simplest, most versatile, and most flexible content management systems (CMS) on the market.

Initially created by Mike Little and Matt Mullenweg, WordPress was inspired by a desire to create a more elegant personal publishing system for business leaders. The solution is built on MySQL and PHP, and licensed under the GPLv2 guidelines, so it’s free to use and modify.

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Essential Email Marketing Statistics To Strengthen Your Strategy in 2023 (With Infographic)

Articles Email Marketing Marketing Statistics

Email marketing statistics constantly show that emails are one of the best ways to reach your audience. Here are some of the most valuable email marketing stats to check out in 2022

Looking at email marketing statistics gives us a clear view of just how valuable the world of email can really be. Though email might not be the newest marketing tool available in a world of social media, influencers, and extended reality, it continues to be a fantastic choice for businesses.

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2023 Shopify Revenue, Statistics, and Usage Numbers

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You know Shopify is a big deal. Millions of merchants use it every day. On a global scale, it has grown from a fledgling Canadian startup to a behemoth amongst ecommerce platforms. But how big is Shopify Inc., really? In this article, we'll complete a thorough analysis of current Shopify revenue, statistics, and growth potential to show the successes and challenges Shopify has experienced over the years. 

The aim is to explain the details behind the hype, while also providing you with information about the platform that so many merchants have entrusted with their entire businesses. 

We've done our best to keep this post updated as new Shopify revenue, usage, and grown statistics come in, and we'll continue providing you with the most up-to-date statistics possible. Keep reading to learn all about Shopify revenue, usage stats, and more!

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