No More Transaction Fees for Volusion

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Volusion has always been one of the most reputable ecommerce platforms out there. Well now, the company has released some good news for those current and future Volusion users. All Volusion pricing plans have shifted to a zero transaction fee system, where all of your transactions are completely free, regardless of what you're selling.

No More Transaction Fees for Volusion

This is wonderful news across the board since you no longer have to worry about whether or not you'll be able to handle the extra transaction fees on top of whatever the credit card companies are charging you. We especially like it for smaller online stores that need to cut costs as much as possible. In addition, Volusion will be able to compete a little better since some of the competition already has a similar no transaction fee setup.

If you keep reading below, you'll learn a bit about how this no transaction system is going to play out and what you can expect for the future. We'll also explain who this affects the most and what the Volusion transaction fees were like prior to this change.

Volusion has made plenty of drastic changes in the past, and it all seems like it's for the better. For instance, the Volusion branding has changed to a more modern look, along with the more user-friendly experience you can find when launching your store and adding your own products. You can also find all sorts of cool new tools when playing around in the Volusion backend. For instance, Volusion is one of the few ecommerce platforms that have a dropshipping program built into the platform. So, you can start selling within just a few hours and don't have to worry about things like shipping or storage. Overall, these changes are good things, so keep reading to learn all about what no transaction fees mean for you.

How Was It Before?

Although Volusion monthly pricing was consistently some of the most competitive on the market, there was always that transaction fee that made it a little less appealing. Of course, you still have to pay transaction fees for a payment gateway, but it was a tough pill to swallow when you had to pay both transaction and monthly fees to the Volusion company.

Prior to this change, Volusion would charge an extra 0.5%-2.0% on every transaction you processed. It all depended on which pricing plan you went with, so if you paid more per month you would expect a lower transaction fee.

Other than that, the pricing was pretty straightforward.

The Personal Plan was listed at $29 per month, the Pro plan at $79 per month, the Biz plan at $299 per month, and the Prime plan was customizable. After the removal of transaction fees, these monthly plans have remained the same for all customers.

Who Does This Include?

Some people might be wondering if this includes all current users as well. This makes sense, since some companies try to grandfather you into some sort of older plan, but it sounds like Volusion has no plan of doing that.

Therefore, all current users will be able to process transactions without worrying about any small fees being pulled out from Volusion.

The same can be said for new users. So, if you're debating between platforms like Shopify, Bigcommerce, and Volusion, this will definitely come into consideration. Shopify offers zero transaction fees, but only if you go with the Shopify payment gateway. Volusion, on the other hand, allows you to use any gateway for no transaction fees.

Overall, we like the fact that this is making Volusion more competitive. Especially considering Volusion has often catered to smaller businesses with smaller budgets. It was often difficult for business owners to try to figure out exactly how much money they would be losing in transaction fees. It was particularly tedious for those selling smaller ticket items, since the fees could really catch up to you.

What Are The Specifics?

It's important to remember that this doesn't eliminate all of your transaction fees. Credit card companies and payment processors are still going to get their cut. So, if you're using something like PayPal or, you should still expect to see those types of transaction fees.

The main difference is that the Volusion company won't be taking a cut. Instead, it's sticking to making money with its monthly plans.

This is good news all around since Volusion has now caught up to other competitors like Shopify, which has offered this type of transaction model for a while.

In fact, some might say that the Volusion configuration is even better than Shopify's, since with Shopify you only get the no transaction fee plan if you go with Shopify's payment gateway.

Volusion, on the other hand, cuts the extra transaction fee regardless of your payment gateway.

No More Transaction Fees for Volusion: Let Us Know What You Think

Volusion has been improving its interface, design options, and transaction structure for quite some time, so it's definitely one of the most progressive ecommerce platforms in terms of feature changes.

We like to see this, since Volusion seems to genuinely care about its customers and wants to add new features and pricing structures based on what the actual users ask for.

If you are a current Volusion customer, we would like to hear from you. What do you think about the removal of transaction fees in the Volusion platform?

If you're currently thinking about using Volusion for your online store, share your thoughts on how this might change your decision and if it's going to help you pull the trigger on Volusion. Leave all of your comments in the section below!

Joe Warnimont

Joe Warnimont is a Chicago-based writer who focuses on eCommerce tools, WordPress, and social media. When not fishing or practicing yoga, he's collecting stamps at national parks (even though that's mainly for children). Check out Joe's portfolio to contact him and view past work.

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