Vitrines d’art vs Shopify: Quel est le meilleur en 2024 ?

Is Art Storefronts or Shopify Le meilleur pour votre entreprise ?

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Shopify est mon créateur de sites Web de commerce électronique préféré et l'une des plateformes les mieux notées au monde, offrant une polyvalence, une évolutivité et une facilité d'utilisation inégalées.

Alternativement, Art Storefronts est une solution de commerce électronique axée sur une niche, dédiée au soutien de la communauté des artistes.

While both platforms have unique benefits to offer, they target very different groups of consumers. Overall, I’d recommend:

  • Shopify: To companies looking for omnichannel sales tools, exceptional functionality, and the ability to sell any product or service, both online and offline.
  • Art Storefronts: To creatives searching for focused tools, like AI insights into art buyers, automated email marketing, and comprehensive consulting services.

Shopify vs Art Storefronts: Quick Verdict

Shopify et Vitrines d’art sont les deux tools that allow entrepreneurs to launch their own online stores and sell products online.

Toutefois, tout en Shopify is a world-leading ecommerce solution that can adapt to any type of business, (from dropshipping companies to service providers), Art Storefronts focuses exclusively on the art trade.

Shopify Avantages et inconvénients


  • Supports the sale of any type of product, on any channel.
  • Built-in marketing, inventory management, and fulfillment features.
  • User-friendly interface, with step-by-step guidance throughout.
  • Excellent payment processing and point of sale capabilities.
  • Extensive scalability via integrations, APIs, and the ability to create custom apps.

Vitrines d’art Avantages et inconvénients


  • Exceptional community and fantastic customer service.
  • Assistance with fulfillment, packaging, and merchandising.
  • Integrated tools for customer relationship management and automation.
  • Straightforward and insightful reporting tools.
    Offline and online selling capabilities.
  • Powerful AI capabilities to help increase your sales.

Ce que les deux plateformes font de mieux

While Art Storefronts and Shopify have some overlapping capabilities, there are big differences in their benefits, affecting the types of business owners best suited to each platform.

Quoi Shopify Fait de mieux :

Je pense que Shopify’s best features revolve around its flexibility and scalability. The platform can adapt to suit any business model, and you can sell any product or service with the ecosystem.

This is the go-to ecommerce platform for just about any small to mid-sized company. Best features include:

  • Omnichannel functionality: The omnichannel solution allows you to combine your online store with a range of sales channels, from social media to marketplaces. There’s even a built-in point of sale system for in-store selling.
  • Personnalisation: Avec Shopify, companies gain access to one of the biggest app marketplaces in the world, brimming with thousands of tools that can extend the functionality and performance of your website.
  • Gestion d'entreprise: Shopify makes it easy to manage all aspects of your business, with features for fulfillment, shipping, inventory and product management, customer relationship management, and more.

What Art Storefronts Does Best:

Art Storefronts focuses on one target audience: artists. In my opinion, it’s one of the best solutions for art sellers out there, combining an exceptional community, with a comprehensive sales platform, and a fantastic selection of expert services.

The biggest benefits include:

  • Objectif de niche : Art Storefronts offers features specific to the needs of artists, such as tools for printing art catalogues, and it’s “Art Buyer AI” which helps you understand your target audience. It even offers streamlined analytics features.
  • Service à la clientèle: Art Storefronts can handle everything from fulfillment, to building your website on your behalf. The expert team can create marketing plans on your behalf, and guide you through the process of increasing your revenue.
  • Communauté: Art Storefronts users gain access to an exceptional community, where they can learn from their peers, share tips, and discover new partners. Plus, there’s a huge range of videos and guides to review.

Shopify vs Art Storefronts: Pricing and Fees

Shopify and Art Storefronts take a very different approach to pricing. Shopify sells access to its platform on a “software as a service” basis, which means you get predictable monthly fees, transaction rates, and other costs.

Art Storefront designs “customized” solutions for each customer.

Art Storefronts Pricing and Fees

Unfortunately, I couldn’t find any transparent information about pricing for Art Storefronts on its website.

That’s because the company doesn’t just sell software, it offers each artist a combination of bespoke services and solutions, tailored to their needs.

En d'autres termes, your pricing will depend on what you need from the company. The more assistance you want when it comes to building your store, implementing advanced features, and creating marketing campaigns, the more you’ll pay.

Notably, the company does regularly run promotions which give users access to free services, such as website setup, website management, and free social media help.

Shopify Prix ​​et frais

Shopify’s pricing is a lot more straightforward. You can start selling online for as little as $5 per month with the “Starter” package, but this doesn’t give you access to the full Shopify platform, just the ability to sell through messaging apps, links, and social media.

You can find out more about the starter plan in our video below:

vidéo YouTube

The core plans available from Shopify consistent à

  • Shopify Base: $39 per month: Everything you need to design and run an online store, from themes to inventory management. You get a single staff account, a range of marketing tools, basic analytics, and 24/7 customer support.
  • Shopify: $105 per month: All the features of the Basic plan, as well as 5 staff accounts, lower payment processing fees, and an upgraded reporting system.
  • Shopify Avancée: 399 $ par mois : les caractéristiques de Shopify, plus enhanced live chat customer service, custom reports, and 15 staff accounts.
  • Shopify Plus: Starting at $2,300 per month: The features of the Advanced plan, plus unlimited accounts, advanced customization, and priority support.

Shopify does charge transaction fees on top of credit card processing fees if you don’t use their integrated Payment Processor, Shopify Payments. Fees range from 0.15% on Shopify Plus, to 2% on Shopify Basic plans.

shopify ajustements

En savoir plus sur Shopify Prix dans notre vidéo ci-dessous :

vidéo YouTube

Shopify vs Art Storefronts: The Core Features

Comparing Art Storefronts and Shopify is complex because they offer very different solutions and services.

Shopify is a comprehensive omnichannel commerce platform and website builder. Art Storefronts gives artists a combination of technology and services, in a custom package.

notable, Shopify does also give companies the option to access specialist services, through its “Shopify Experts"Programme.

Additionally, Art Storefronts also gives vendors a customizable website. Other features the two solutions have in common include:

  • Fulfillment and shipping solutions and services
  • AI-powered tools (Art Buyer AI, and Shopify Magic/Shopify Sidekick)
  • Email marketing capabilities
  • Offline and online selling tools
  • Traitement de paiement intégré
  • Community resources and educational webinars
  • Gestion des produits et des stocks
  • Analytical and reporting tools

The Unique Features of Art Storefronts

The great thing about Art Storefronts is that it’s packed with tools specifically tuned to the needs of artists.

As well as being able to create an attractive website (with or without the help of an expert), you’ll also be able to access a range of unique features like:

  • Réalité augmentée: The AR tool built into Art Storefronts allows you to show customers augmented reality previews of your art and creations, integrated into their environment.
  • Custom marketing plans: Art Storefronts works with companies to create marketing strategies and calendars specific to their needs.
  • Marchandisage : A built-in print on demand solution allows you to add your art to a range of products, from calendars to t-shirts and mugs.
  • Lead capture tools: Art Storefronts offers access to lead capture tools, to help you attract relevant buyers to your store.
  • CRM intégré : The platform includes a lightweight CRM for managing opportunities and client relationships.

Les caractéristiques uniques de Shopify

Shopify is a far more well-rounded platform overall, with features tailored to the needs of every seller.

shopify Personnalisation du magasin

Compared to Art Storefronts, it gives you a lot more freedom to build any business, with unique capabilities such as:

  • Shopify Marchés: A dedicated solution that allows you to create localized experiences for global audiences, boosting your market reach.
  • Outils marketing: Shopify is primed for search engine optimization, and includes access to features like Google and Facebook integrations, blogging tools, and Shopify Inbox for chat.
  • App Marketplace: Le Shopify app marketplace allows you to integrate your store with a huge selection of marketing, accounting, and customer service tools.
  • Vente omnicanale : Comme mentionné ci-dessus, Shopify integrates with marketplaces and social media channels, as well as other sales platforms. It also has a built-in POS system.
  • Rapports avancés : Although Art Storefronts offers access to basic reports, Shopify’s reporting features are more advanced, with custom options on some plans.
  • Enhanced design tools: Shopify gives you a lot more control over your site’s design and appearance, with a range of premium and free themes.

Shopify vs Art Storefronts: Ease of Use and Customer Support

I often say Shopify is one of the simplest and most intuitive platforms out there. That’s true, but in this case, Art Storefronts may be an even simpler option.

Bien que the interface isn’t as intuitive, you can choose to hand everything over to an expert team, so you don’t actually have to build, maintain, or even market your website yourself.

While you will have to pay for the services you access, this could be a good option if you want to focus on creating your art, rather than managing your online store.

Shopify has a very straightforward interface (packed with great tooltips), but it’s versatile range of features means it takes longer to master.

Of course, you could always embaucher un Shopify Expert to build and run your store for you too.

Service au client

Les deux Shopify and Art Storefronts are fantastic at delivering comprehensive support to all of their customers.

You can get in touch with their respective teams directly through chat, email, or phone, and both organizations offer businesses a range of self-help resources, such as FAQs, guides, training workshops and more.

Additionally, as I mentioned above, both companies have an excellent community, so you can easily find other likeminded business owners to help you with everyday issues.

Shopify vs Art Storefronts: The Bottom Line

Ultimately, comparing Art Storefronts and Shopify is challenging because they’re very different solutions. While both options allow people to sell online, Shopify is a far more versatile solution suitable for virtually any kind of business owner.

Alternativement, Vitrines d’art is a niche solution, designed to give artists all the tools they need to thrive in the ecommerce landscape.

If you’re looking for an ecommerce platform tailored specifically to artists, Art Storefronts is the clear choice. However, if you’re looking for scalability, flexibility, and ease of use, pick Shopify.

Rebecca Carter

Rebekah Carter est une créatrice de contenu, une journaliste et une blogueuse expérimentée spécialisée dans le marketing, le développement commercial et la technologie. Son expertise couvre tout, de l'intelligence artificielle aux logiciels de marketing par e-mail et aux appareils de réalité étendue. Quand elle n'écrit pas, Rebekah passe le plus clair de son temps à lire, à explorer les grands espaces et à jouer.

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