Running a print-on-demand business means juggling creative designs, customer expectations, and costs. One of the biggest decisions? Choosing the right printing method.
Zde je dohoda: DTG (Direct-to-Garment) is perfect for small-batch, detailed designs, while screen printing is best for bulk orders and simpler artwork.
Let’s break this down further so you can pick the method that fits your business like a glove.
Každá metoda tisku, kterou nabízí Výrobci tisku na vyžádání a tvůrci oděvů po celém světě mají svá pro a proti, o kterých je třeba přemýšlet. Některé jsou nákladově efektivnější, zatímco jiné jsou považovány za udržitelnější, ekologičtější nebo trvanlivější.
The only way to ensure you’re really making the right decision, is to weigh up the features and benefits of each solution as carefully as possible.
Co je sítotisk?
Let’s start by looking at screen printing. One of the best-known solutions for placing designs on garments and other products, screen printing is one of the oldest methods of printing out there.
It involves pushing ink through a woven screen or stencil onto fabric. Rather than trying to get the ink to “soak in” to the fibers, screen printing simply allows the design to sit on top of the product.
Metoda vyžaduje použití silnějších inkoustů, které mohou někdy vytvořit na oděvu jinou texturu. Pravděpodobně jste si v minulosti zakoupili košili nebo svetr se sítotiskem.
In screen printing, a special screen is made for every element of the design. Once the screens are made, the colors and elements of the design are placed onto the garment individually.
The process involved in screen printing means the more layers and components your design has, the longer it will take to print, and the thicker the design will look on the product.
Pros of Screen Printing:
- Lower cost per item for large orders: The more you print, the cheaper it gets.
- Vibrant, durable prints: Screen printing inks are thick, making designs last through many washes.
- Great for simple designs: If your designs have 1-4 colors, screen printing shines.
Cons of Screen Printing:
- High minimum order quantity: Not practical for small orders. You’ll need to commit to printing dozens or hundreds of items.
- Not ideal for complex designs: Intricate details or designs with tons of colors aren’t its strong suit.
- Nastavení náročné na práci: Each color needs a separate screen, and the prep takes time and money.
Jaké vzory jsou vhodné pro sítotisk?
The relatively long setup time involved in screen printing is one of the reasons why this method is usually chosen to print items in bulk. It’s less cost-effective to only print one or two t-shirts if its already taken several hours to create the stencils for a design.
The thickness of the ink and the resulting design with screen printing also means this process tends to work best for solid graphics which don’t have a lot of details.
Basic designs using a combination of shapes, symbols and geometrics are more effective with screen printing.
Since each color is applied to the design separately, screen printing is also typically used for designs which only have a few colors. Many printers will even limit how many colors are permitted in a screen printed design.
Zásadní otázky o sítotisku
Při výběru způsobu tisku vašich návrhů stojí za to pečlivě zvážit mnoho různých faktorů – nejen to, kolik bude váš návrh stát, ale také to, zda je odolný, ekologický a tak dále.
Je sítotisk ekologický?
Many companies producing unique designs and garments are becoming more concerned about how their products influence the environment today.
Sellers who use screen printing typically order their items in bulk, which does mean there’s a risk for over-production and waste. If the items you produce aren’t sold they may end up in landfills. Additionally, screen printing does use a lot of water, and can include inks which don’t naturally degrade.
Je sítotisk drahý?
The price you pay to screen print designs will depend on a number of factors, including how many items you order.
Obvykle, this option is relatively cost-effective if you’re ordering solutions in large quantities. This is because specific stencils need to be used for each design. Additionally, some producers will offer discounts on bulk sales.
Jsou sítotiskové položky odolné?
Screen printing technology produces relatively high-quality designs. The colors are usually rich and vivid, particularly if you’re producing items which don’t have too many colors or details.
Kromě toho, most screen printed shirts are relatively durable and long-lasting if they’re cared for correctly.
Most of the time, garment creators will advise customers to avoid washing their garments in hot water, or using bleach, as this can cause the designs to fade or crack.
Měli byste zvážit sítotisk?
Screen printing can be a relatively effective and inexpensive choice for companies who want to create garments using simple designs and graphics, using only a handful of colors. However, it does require significant upfront investment.
Most third-party printing services have relatively large order minimums, to help keep the costs of creating stencils low.
The price you pay for this service will depend on the number of colors in the design, and the number of screens used for printing.
For some creators, the process can be a little expensive. Ordering in bulk also means you may need to figure out where you’re going to store your items until they’re sold.
It’s worth thinking about whether you can reasonably expect to sell all of the items that get printed, so you’re not contributing to a high amount of textile waste.
If you’re a relatively new business owner, it can be difficult to predict just how successful each design is going to be.
Co je tisk DTG?
Nyní jsme se blíže podívali na sítotisk, je čas prozkoumat výhody a vlastnosti DTG tisku. DTG tisk je jinak známý jako tisk „Direct to Garment“.. Jde o unikátní formu tisku, která se v posledních letech těší stále větší oblibě.
With DTG printing, inks with a large amount of water content are sprayed onto a garment, after a specific pre-treatment solution has been applied to the material.
The ink soaks into the fibers of the garment to ensure a long-lasting result. The garments you produce need to be mounted onto a special product called a platen, and placed into a printer, which issues the design.
Obvykle se po dokončení procesu tisku na oděv umístí těsnění, aby se zajistily dlouhodobé výsledky. Ve většině případů tisk DTG funguje nejlépe na oděvech ze 100% bavlny, ale může být vhodný i pro produkty ze směsi bavlny.
Většinou, DTG printing is chosen because it's easy to print one-off garments. There’s virtually no set-up time involved.
Additionally, most printing providers won’t require customers to place large bulk orders. Instead, you can produce items whenever an order is placed by a customer, using a connection to your DTG print on demand company.
It’s still possible to order garments in bulk if you like with DTG, but it’s less common than in screen printing.
Pros of DTG:
- Perfect for small-batch or custom orders: No minimum order quantity. You can print one shirt or 100 without breaking a sweat.
- High-resolution designs: DTG handles fine details and gradients like a champ. Great for print-on-demand stores offering unique or complex artwork.
- Šetrné k životnímu prostředí: Uses water-based inks, which are better for the environment.
- Minimální doba nastavení: No need to burn screens or prep multiple layers.
Cons of DTG:
- Vyšší cena za položku: If you're scaling, DTG can get expensive fast.
- Limited fabric options: Works best on cotton and cotton blends. Doesn’t perform as well on polyester.
- Slower production time: Printing each shirt takes longer compared to bulk screen printing.
Jaké vzory jsou vhodné pro tisk DTG?
DTG printing is a relatively versatile choice for companies and creators. The printers in this landscape are powerful, and can offer a huge variety of color options.
This means it’s easier to print highly detailed designs with photorealistic images. This is crucial for companies looking to experiment with a lot of different colors and designs.
DTG printing isn’t ideal for “transparencies” in designs. Elements which aren’t entirely opaque rarely work well with DTG printing, as the printing systems attempt to make up for the missing colors by spreading the ink, which can lead to patches and gaps.
Pokud se vyhnete průhledným fóliím, můžete s tiskem DTG téměř bez omezení vyrábět prakticky jakékoli vzory, které se vám líbí. Většina poskytovatelů tisku však doporučuje vytvářet grafiku pomocí barevného profilu sRGB, protože nejlépe odpovídá potřebám DTG tiskáren.
Zásadní otázky týkající se tisku DTG
Overall, DTG printing has a lot of benefits, particularly when compared to the somewhat more restrictive process of screen printing.
However, it’s still worth making sure you understand all of the components of this method before you dive in.
Je tisk DTG ekologický?
Compared to screen printing, DTG printing is considered a far more sustainable solution for fashion companies.
The main reason for this is that this kind of printing allows companies to produce one-off garments in short runs, so they can avoid overproduction and waste.
When you work with a print on demand printing provider, you can ensure products are only created after an order has been placed. This also reduces the number of items you need to store.
It's worth noting that many DTG printer manufacturers have created more advanced tools over the years, with a focus on sustainability too.
For instance, some DTG machines are created to produce almost no waste water, and consume a lot less electricity overall.
Some printers can even use vegan-friendly water-based inks which don’t include any hazardous or toxic ingredients. Many of these inks are naturally biodegradable and don’t contain any animal by-products.
Kolik stojí tisk DTG?
Podobně jako u sítotisku se částka, kterou utratíte za tisk DTG, bude lišit v závislosti na řadě faktorů. Cena vašich položek se bude lišit v závislosti na složitosti vašeho návrhu, na tom, jaký druh oděvů vyrábíte a kolik položek chcete vytvořit. Většina poskytovatelů tisku na vyžádání však nabízí možnosti DTG za relativně nízkou cenu.
Jsou položky DTG odolné?
DTG products are designed to be as long-lasting and durable as possible, but they do need to be cared for correctly. Most printers will include labels with each item which provide insights into how customers should wash and use their garments.
For the most part, it’s best to avoid hot cycles in a washing machine, as well as bleach and certain fabric softeners. Some DTG garments may not be suitable for ironing either.
Měli byste zvážit tisk DTG?
There’s no one-size-fits-all solution for choosing the best possible printing method. However, Direct to Garment printing could be a good option if you’re looking for a hassle-free way to produce items in small quantities for your target audience.
Many printers offering DTG options don’t have any minimum order requirements for these products. You can simply use printing services on demand whenever your customers make a purchase.
With DTG, your full design is created and printed in one go, and there’s no need for multiple screens and tools.
What’s more, because DTG doesn’t have any specific limitations on colors, you can produce more unique designs and complex creations for your audience.
This printing model will give designers the freedom to explore new ideas and enter new markets without spending a lot of money.
DTG vs sítotisk: Který je nejlepší?
Now that we’ve explored the basics of both DTG and screen printing, let’s look more closely at which solution is best suited to each business.
As mentioned above, the right option for you will depend heavily on your specific needs and printing requirements. DTG and screen printing are two of the most popular methods for creating custom apparel, but they use very different technologies.
With DTG, you’ll utilize a unique fabric printer, similar in style to a computer printer to spray ink onto your garments which soaks into the fibers.
With screen printing, inks are layered onto the surface of the fabric. Both of these printing methods lead to the production of high-quality garments, but there are pros and cons to each. Let’s explore how the options compare in a few crucial areas.
DTG vs sítotisk: kvalita
Whenever you produce custom garments for your audience, it’s important to ensure you’re delivering excellent results.
Whether you’re printing custom t-shirts, hoodies, sweatshirts, or anything else you can think of, you’ll need to adhere to your customer’s expectations.
Screen printing offers fantastic, high-quality, and vibrant prints, but it’s limited to offering specific color options.
DTG printing offers more or less the same quality in terms of printing, with more options for color and less cost.
You can produce more detailed designs without having to worry about extra expense. Because of this, the quality can be a lot better.
DTG vs sítotisk: Trvanlivost
People want the items they purchase from your brand to last as long as possible. Well-made items which are built to last are more likely to appeal to your target audience, and keep them purchasing from your company for longer.
Fortunately, both DTG and screen printing offer an excellent level of durability, provided care instructions are followed correctly.
DTG printing can produce extremely long-lasting designs, but they generally don’t last as long as screen printed garments, simply because the ink is more durable.
However, there is a risk that thicker prints on screen printed garments could crack quicker.
DTG vs sítotisk: Možnosti designu
As mentioned above, there’s a big difference between the detail you can use in screen printing, and the options you’ll have with DTG printing.
While screen printing is a relatively versatile printing method, you will only be able to experiment with a small number of colors.
Detail is difficult to achieve with screen printing, due to the number of screens that would be required.
Použití tisku DTG vám dává mnohem větší svobodu při práci se složitými návrhy s rozsáhlými detaily. Můžete vytvářet fotorealistické obrázky s minimálním úsilím a být tak složité, jak chcete.
DTG vs sítotisk: udržitelnost
Most consumers today are becoming increasingly focused on sustainability. We’re all growing more aware of how our actions impact the planet, and customers don’t want to contribute to excessive waste, chemicals, or carbon emissions.
If you want to show your customers you care about the planet, and reduce your own carbon footprint, DTG printing is the best option.
DTG printing is more sustainable because it allows companies to create items on a one-off basis, whenever their customer places an order.
This reduces the risk of waste, and ensures you don’t have endless products sitting in a warehouse. DTG printing machines also use more environmentally-friendly water-based inks which are more likely to naturally degrade.
Na druhou stranu, sítotisk má tendenci mít spoustu problémů s nadprodukcí, protože společnosti hromadně vyrábějí položky, aby udržely nízké náklady.
DTG vs sítotisk: Objednaná množství
One of the main reasons why companies opt for DTG printing over screen printing, is the lower minimum order quantities.
V mnoha případech, DTG print producers won’t require you to purchase a specific number of items with each order. You can produce products one at a time.
DTG printing is ideal for smaller orders, when you’re not sure how well a new product or design is going to sell.
While it is possible to find companies with lower minimum order quantities offering screen printing, smaller orders are less cost-effective. It makes more sense to produce multiple products at once using the same series of specific screens.
DTG vs sítotisk: Výrobní časy
Faster production times in the garment landscape mean you can get your items to your customers as quickly as possible.
Screen printing is a lot faster than DTG printing overall, because it can take a while to add all the detail you want to your design with DTG printers. However, the set-up time involved in screen printing can reduce the speed of production too.
This is one of the reasons why screen printing is best-suited to bulk orders. After stencils have been created, the production process can move ahead rapidly.
While DTG is slower than other printing methods, it’s still possible to get your items to your customers relatively quickly.
DTG vs sítotisk: náklady
Every business has a budget to think about. The more it costs to create your product, the more you’ll need to charge your customers in order to make a profit.
In the case of both screen printing and DTG printing, the exact price of producing your items will vary depending on a number of factors.
If you’re going to be using screen printing for your products, you’ll need to prepare to buy items in bulk, which means you might have a larger initial cost to think about.
The final price of your product will also depend on the number of screens your production company needs to create, and the number of colors you want to use. DTG printing has fewer setup costs for a single garment, and allows for a more affordable production process.
Samozřejmě stojí za zmínku, že náklady na tiskový stroj DTG jsou poměrně značné, takže výběr této metody by byl mnohem dražší, pokud byste tiskli sami. To však není problém, pokud se díváte na výrobu Print on Demand.
Which Method is Best for Your Print-on-Demand Business?
The answer depends on your needs.
Go with DTG if:
- You’re just starting out and want to keep inventory low.
- Your target customers order 1-5 items at a time.
- Your designs are complex and colorful.
- You’re targeting eco-conscious buyers.
Go with Screen Printing if:
- You’re ready to scale and take bulk orders.
- Your designs are simple, with 1-4 colors.
- You’re targeting sports teams, events, or wholesale buyers.
- You need long-lasting, durable prints.
Proč investovat do čističky vzduchu?
Choosing between DTG and screen printing boils down to what your print-on-demand business needs.
If you’re focusing on small, custom orders with detailed designs, DTG is your go-to.
If you’re scaling and need to handle bulk orders, screen printing is the obvious winner.
Test both methods if you’re on the fence. Start small, measure your costs, and align your printing method with your business goals.
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