Die Beste Vervulling Dienste vir Shopify in 2024

Maak vervulling maklik met hierdie dienste

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Die beste vervulling dienste vir Shopify are designed to help ecommerce business owners deliver products to their customers quickly and efficiently.

After all, once your customer has made a purchase, they’re relying on you to ensure it gets to them with minimal hassle.

This means you need to plan how you’re going to store your goods, pick and pack them for delivery, ship them through the right providers, and so on.

Fulfilment services can help to make this whole process less time consuming and frustrating.

Die goeie nuus vir Shopify handelaars is daar 'n reeks vervulling-oplossings wat spesiaal geskik is vir jou besigheidsmodel. Hierdie oplossings kan direk met jou integreer Shopify winkel, so dit is maklik om rekord te hou van bestellings en voorraad te sinchroniseer.

Waarvoor is die beste nakomingsdienste Shopify?

Hier is 'n paar van die top vervulling dienste spesifiek vir Shopify.

Shopify Fulfillment Network

shopify fulfillment - beste vervulling sentrums vir shopify

Miskien die mees voor die hand liggende roete vir sake-eienaars wat reeds in die Shopify landskap, is om die hefboom te maak Shopify Fulfillment Network direk.

Shopify het sy eie omvattende hulpmiddel, wat dit maklik maak om voorraad regoor die wêreld te stoor, en toegang tot 'n magdom waardevolle datapunte te kry, insluitend bestellingsopsporing, klantdata en voorraadetikette.

Shopify spog met 'n vinnige afleweringstyd van 2 dae, sodat jy jou kliënte vinniger kan bereik en 'n fenomenale ervaring kan lewer. Boonop word daar geen vooraffooie vir u diens gehef binne die eerste ses maande nie, wat dit ideaal maak vir kleiner ondernemings in die aanvanklike stadiums van groei.

Daar is 'n toegewyde bestelling verpakking en aflewering proses, waar Shopify experts are responsible for finding, packaging, and sending your goods with no input from you.

This means you can focus on promoting your brand and growing your stores. The delivery date of your orders will be calculated automatically and show straight on your product pages.

Plus, you can create custom packing slips to improve the quality of your brand image.

U moet egter veral in die VSA geleë wees, minder as 200 SKU's hê, en u sal tussen 84 en 6,200 XNUMX produkte per maand moet stuur om in aanmerking te kom.


Een goeie ding van Shopify’s fulfillment network, is you only pay when you actually sell your products, so the overhead costs are minimized.

When you do sell something, the cost you pay is based on the weight of the product, with discounts for orders with multiple items.

Vir die berging van u produkte, Shopify bied 'n gratis diens vir die eerste ses maande. Daarna betaal jy 'n stoorfooi van $2.25 per kubieke voet.

Voordele 👍

  • Bekostigbare afleweringsopsies vir twee dae
  • Uitstekende voorraadsinkronisering en -opsporing
  • Vinnige toegang tot bestellings afleweringstye
  • Pasgemaakte verpakking en pakstrokies
  • Fantastiese klantdata-toegang


shipbob - beste vervulling sentrums vir shopify

Gevind as 'n byvoeging binne die Shopify app mark, ShipBob is een van die gewildste instrumente vir e-handelsvervulling. Die maatskappy hanteer reeds duisende Shopify winkels, en is gesertifiseer vir Shopify Plus.

The organization works with both B2B and DTC customers, ensuring products are delivered to consumers as quickly as possible.

Met behulp van kragtige versendingstegnologie, ShipBob essentially puts your fulfillment process on autopilot, offering quicker and more effective ways to connect with your customers.

Jy kan gebruik ShipBob om omvattende sigbaarheid in die hele vervullingsproses te handhaaf, bestellings intyds op te spoor en jou bestellings volgens status te filter. Daar is ook 'n vinnige en gerieflike aanboordproses.

Behalwe om perfek saam te werk Shopify, ShipBob also conveniently integrates with a range of other ecommerce solutions, so you can make sure your entire technology stack works well together, allowing for a powerful end-to-end solution.

ShipBob kan verkope vervul as jy op verskillende markte soos Amazon en eBay verkoop, en maak voorsiening vir aanpasbare versendingsmateriaal vir handelsmerke. Daar is ook toegang tot groothandelbestellings en kleinhandel dropshipping.


ShipBob has a dedicated pricing page where you can request a clear quote for how much the service is likely to cost.

The standard fees include the costs for receiving your inventory, warehousing your products, and shipping each order.

Though there’s no transparent pricing structure to plan for, there is a calculator on the website where you can get an idea of how much you might spend.

Voordele 👍

  • Omnichannel bestelling vervulling met veelvuldige integrasies
  • Aanpasbare versendingsmateriaal
  • Vinnige en maklike aanboordproses
  • Groothandel en dropshipping vervullingsopsies
  • Kragtige ontledings en insigte

Red Stag Fulfillment

red stag fulfillment - beste vervulling sentrums vir shopify

Ideaal vir beginners, Red Stag Fulfillment makes managing your shipping and order requirements as quick and straightforward as possible.

The service offered is quite similar to ShipBob, although the company focuses more on oversized shipping and heavy items. The solution integrates fully with Shopify, en daar is ook toegang tot 'n pasgemaakte API.

The cloud-based fulfillment software from Red Stage ensure business owners can access reports and data from anywhere, using any device. There’s also a fantastic 30-day free trial, so you can test some of the services before you commit completely.

Wat meer is, Red Stag boasts an impressive 100% customer order accuracy service, so you’re less likely to deal with returns.

With same-day fulfillment, you can start getting your orders to your customers as quickly as possible. Plus, users gain access to comprehensive inventory and warehouse monitoring, so you know how much of any product is available at any given time.

Red Stag is particularly good for dealing with heavier, more complex items with a higher degree of care, reducing the risk of order damage.


Daar is geen direkte insig in pryse beskikbaar vanaf Red Stag Fulfillment for beginners, so you will need to get in touch with the team to get an idea of how much you’re likely to spend.

Your pricing will be based on a number of factors, including the amount of storage you need, what you’re shipping, and how far you’re going to be sending products.

Gelukkig is daar 'n proeftydperk van 30 dae waartoe u toegang kan verkry aan die begin van u diens, om te sien hoe alles werk voordat u commit.

Voordele 👍

  • Maklike integrasie met Shopify en ander inkopietrollies
  • Uitstekende bestuur van swaar en ongewone items
  • Fantastiese bestelling akkuraatheid en spoed
  • 30-dae risikovrye proeftydperk vir beginners
  • Pakhuis- en voorraadmonitering ingesluit


shipmonk - beste vervulling sentrums vir shopify

As jy op soek is na 'n vervulling oplossing vir Shopify met pakhuise regoor Europa, Skipmonk dalk die ideale opsie vir jou wees.

Outside of warehouses in the UK and other parts of Europe, you can also access storage in Mexico and Canada. This makes ShipMonk a good choice for companies who plan on selling to a wider international audience.

Soos al die programme op hierdie lys, ondersteun ShipMonk integrasie met Shopify, making it great for connecting directly with your inventory and order tracking.

In werklikheid, there are more than 100 integrations available for the service, so you can connect to virtually all of the tools you use every day. Transparent reports and billing give you an easy way to track how much you’re spending on fulfillment too.

There’s support for all kinds of fulfillment services, covering ecommerce brands, retail, subscription boxes, crowdfunding solutions and more.

The cloud-based environment makes it easy to keep track of your inventory and shipping speed. Plus, you can identify your best selling SKUs in no time.

ShipMonk even offers 24/7 customer service and amazing shipping discounts.


Since there’s no one-sized-fits-all strategy for fulfillment, you’ll need to reach out to the ShipMonk team to get an idea of how much you can plan on paying.

However, there’s also a handy shipping calculator on the website which can give you an estimation of how much you might spend on pick fee per order, additional items per order, promotional inserts, and return processing.

Voordele 👍

  • Uitstekende wêreldwye vervullingsentrums
  • Gerieflike integrasies met 'n reeks gereedskap
  • Deursigtige verslagdoening en analise
  • Kragtige bestelling en voorraadopsporing
  • Gestuurafslag om besighede geld te spaar


shiphero - beste vervulling sentrums vir shopify

ShipHero is nog 'n uitstekende vervulling oplossing vir Shopify winkeleienaars met 'n gerieflike en eenvoudige app-integrasie vir Shopify winkel eienaars.

It offers access to seven different warehouses throughout the US and Canada, and can distribute your products across each environment, to ensure you’ll get your items to customers as quickly as possible.

The scalable solution comes with a comprehensive warehouse management system, and a powerful 99% shipping accuracy. Orders are shipped direct from the warehouse closes to each customer, for a smoother experience.

Plus, you’ll be able to track your orders every step of the way, and keep a close eye on inventory so you know when to replenish your stores.

There are in-package snapshots available, so you can see what your orders are going to look like when you’re shipping them.

Plus, there’s an integration with PostHero for tracking packages from the warehouse all the way to the destination. Shipments are fast and efficient, and there’s a range of dedicated account resources to explore.

ShipHero promises up to 30% faster shipping speeds than most solutions, and promises predictable pricing with flat zone costs.


Die prys wat jy betaal vir toegang ShipHero will depend on a number of factors, including whether you’re using the warehouse management system.

You’ll also need to consider the package size, the choice of shipping service, and where you’re going to be shipping too.

Storage prices start at around 65 cents per cubic foot, which is quite affordable.

Wanneer dit kom by versending na verskeie plekke, ShipHero bied ook vaste pryspryse wat pluk, verpakking, posvoorrade, versending en posgeld insluit.

Voordele 👍

  • Gerieflike vaste koers pryse
  • Onmiddellike integrasies met Shopify
  • Baie versendingvervullingsentrums
  • Toegang tot voorraad- en pakhuisopsporing
  • Ultra-vinnige afleweringsopsies

Fulfillment by Amazon

amazon fba - beste vervulling sentrums vir shopify

Gerangskik onder die beter bekende en gewildste gereedskap in die vervullingsruimte, Fulfillment by Amazon makes it quick and simple to sell products in a range of environments.

The solution is designed primarily for Amazon sellers. If you already have an account with Amazon, you can easily access promotions like free shipping to fulfillment centers, free storage, and free return processing.

You’ll need to send your products directly to Amazons fulfillment centers, where you’ll be able to automatically leverage Amazon Prime two-day shipping, to ensure your customers can access your product rapidly.

Amazon also offers various alternatives to FBA for those who need specialized shipping solutions, such as Fulfilled by Merchant, and Seller-Fulfilled Prime.

Although the service is mostly focused on Amazon selling, there is multi-channel fulfillment, with integrations to Shopify so you can connect your online store too.

There’s access to 24/7 support from the Amazon team for all users, so your customers can reach out with questions. You also get a dedicated inventory performance dashboard, and helpful return management.


Soos die meeste van die vervulling opsies vir Shopify en ander e-handelswebwerwe, Fulfillment by Amazon doesn’t have a transparent pricing page or subscription package.

Instead, the amount you pay is based on a number of factors, including the product’s size and weight.

Jy het egter toegang tot verskeie nutsgoed om jou rys te help verminder, soos gratis berging, gratis likwidasies en gratis versending na vervullingsentrums.

Voordele 👍

  • Veelvuldige geldbesparende opsies vir eienaars van e-handelwinkels
  • Uitstekende ondersteuning met versending en terugsendings
  • Kragtige voorraadprestasie-dashboard
  • Multi-kanaal vervulling opsies
  • Gerieflike en vinnige aflewering

Hoe om jou verskaffer van vervullingsdienste te kies

Soos u uit die opsies hierbo kan sien, is daar baie opsies daar buite wanneer dit kom by die keuse van die uiteindelike vervulling maatskappy of diens vir u Shopify besigheid.

Ultimately, there’s no one-size-fits-all solution here. The right option for you will depend on a range of factors, including what kind of features you need, and what sort of business you’re going to run.

Die volgende wenke kan jou help om jou keuses te beperk:

  • Integrasies met e-handelsplatforms: Eerstens is dit belangrik om te verseker dat jou keuse van vervulling 'n sterk skakel het nie net nie Shopify, maar enige ander e-handelsinstrumente wat jy dalk gebruik. Die regte vervullingsvennoot sal dit maklik maak om voorraad, bestellings en ander op te spoorformation regdeur jou hele aanlyn besigheid. U kan selfs integrasies vind met ander e-handelsdienste soos BigCommerce, Wix, en WooCommerce.
  • Voorraadbestuurnutsmiddels: Tensy jy al jou voorraadbestuur aan 'n ander maatskappy gaan uitkontrakteer, help dit om 'n vervullingsdiens te hê met ingeboude oplossings vir voorraadnasporing en waarskuwings. Baie van die top aanlyn-vervullingsdienste maak dit makliker om alles van jou topverkoper-produkte na te spoor, tot wanneer jy min voorraad het.
  • Lae afleweringskoste: Die koste van jou aanlyn vervulling diens sal afhang van 'n aantal faktore, insluitend versending tariewe, verpakking en kittingskoste, en interne bergingsuitgawes. Sommige toepassings en gereedskap maak dit egter makliker vir klein besighede om hul begroting te bestuur met spesiale aanbiedings vir versending na spesifieke liggings. Vennootskappe met afleweringsmaatskappye soos FedEx en UPS kan jou aansienlike kontant bespaar op jou bestellingvervullingsdienste. Sommige handelsmerke bied ook afslag op grond van bestellingsvolume.
  • Vinnige aflewering: 'n Goeie vervulling oplossing, of dit nou Amazon FBA of Shopify FBA sal verseker dat jy jou produkte so vinnig as moontlik by kliënte kan kry. Handelsmerke met verskeie verspreidingsentrums in verskillende streke kan gewoonlik vinniger afleweringstye bied deur produkte vanaf die ligging naaste aan die maatskappy te stuur. Sommige vendors en derdeparty logistieke handelsmerke bied ook aflewering op dieselfde dag en volgende dag.
  • Ontleding en insigte: Verslae en ontledings wat in u e-handelsvervullingsdienste ingebou is, kan help met meer as net om voorraadvlakke na te spoor. Hulle kan jou ook die insigte gee wat jy nodig het om winsgeleenthede te voorspel, en om seker te maak dat jy afleweringstye optimeer. Die beste verslae sal jou 'n kykie agter die skerms van jou voorsieningsketting gee, sodat jy die manier waarop jy bestellings stuur en kliënte bedien, kan stroomlyn.
  • Klientediens: 'n Sterk verbintenis tot uitstekende kliënte-ervaring is 'n moet wanneer jy soek na die regte vervulling oplossing. Sommige vendors sal jou jou eie toegewyde rekeningbestuurder gee om jou te help met die opstel van jou strategie. Ander bied gereelde vrae en leerinstrumente om entrepreneurs te help om hul eie probleme vinnig op te los. 'n Goeie nakomingsdiensverskaffer moet in staat wees om te help met die beantwoording van vrae oor voorraadberging, terugsendings en bestellingsbestuur.

Of course, it’s also worth thinking about how much you’re going to spend overall to work with your chosen order fulfillment company.

The costs for order processing, pallet hiring, and delivery can quickly add up. Look for transparent pricing from your shipping and logistics company so you can budget for the shipping process.

Hou in gedagte, terwyl sommige oplossings spesifiek ontwerp is vir kleiner besighede en startups, ander is bedoel vir groot ondernemingshandelsmerke. Hoe groter jou maatskappy, hoe meer sal jou uitvoeringskoste waarskynlik toeneem.

Die keuse van die regte vervullingsdiens vir Shopify

Daar is baie fantastiese hulpmiddels beskikbaar vir ondernemings wat die uitvoering van bestellings vir hul wil vaartbelyn en vereenvoudig Shopify winkels vandag.

Die reg derdeparty-vervullingsmaatskappy vir jou behoeftes sal afhang van verskeie faktore, van jou gemiddelde bestelvolume en voorraadvlakke tot jou vereiste gestuurspoed en ondersteuningsbehoeftes.

Onthou om die tyd te neem om jou opsies noukeurig te verken, en uit te vind hoe elkeen vendor supports ecommerce companies with local and international shipping, inventory storage, automation, and order tracking.

The best order fulfillment services should give you all the tools you need to accelerate your sales, boost customer experience, and unlock new opportunities.

Rebekka Carter

Rebekah Carter is 'n ervare inhoudskepper, nuusverslaggewer en blogger wat spesialiseer in bemarking, sake-ontwikkeling en tegnologie. Haar kundigheid dek alles van kunsmatige intelligensie tot sagteware vir e-posbemarking en toestelle vir uitgebreide werklikheid. As sy nie skryf nie, bestee Rebekah die meeste van haar tyd aan die lees, om die buitelewe te ontdek en te speel.

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