Unleash your payments potential

Worldpay opens a world of opportunity for each merchant – no matter their size – with an unrivaled understanding of global payments.

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Start taking payments now

It’s time to think big with payments technology that’s secure, flexible and designed with tomorrow in mind.

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Who are we?

Global payments leader backed by our scale, technology and expertise

If you take, make or manage payments, we can help make it happen. For every size of business, in any vertical market or industry - no matter whether you need your payments in store, online, embedded, omnichannel or cross-border.

Trusted by over one million merchants globally

Trusted by over one million merchants globally

Transactions per year (that's 1 billion a week!) - Company logo

Transactions per year

(that's one billion a week!)

We're in 146 countries across the world

We're in 146 countries across the world

There is only one Global Payments Report

Worldpay creates GPR for its clients, to equip them with the insights they need to unleash their payments potential. And ten years on, it’s as relevant as ever.

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Are you a current Worldpay customer who needs help?

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