Mastering The Full Stack Design Concept: Your Ultimate 2023 Guide


It was once the case that most people working in website development had clearly defined roles within a development team, and they were rarely expected to overlap into other roles.

Things have changed. Now people may be expected to multi-task, and even in large organizations, job roles may be interchangeable between team members.

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A Comprehensive Guide to Applied Geometry in Design in 2023


Geometry is a unique and special science. Sacred in Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, and Masonry, geometry is believed to hold special powers which exert strong influence. Even religions that don't hold geometry as sacred, such as Christianity and Islam, still make extensive use of geometry in the design of their temples, art works, and many other things.

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Top 20 Awesome Logo Designs from the Cryptocurrency Industry


The cryptocurrency world is still a young one, but hoards of developers and investors are getting involved to make the push for better digital currency. With such a huge movement comes new design theories. Since there are so many websites focused on cryptocurrency, we wanted to explore some logo design inspiration from these sites. Enjoy!

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