Mastering The Full Stack Design Concept: Your Ultimate 2023 Guide


It was once the case that most people working in website development had clearly defined roles within a development team, and they were rarely expected to overlap into other roles.

Things have changed. Now people may be expected to multi-task, and even in large organizations, job roles may be interchangeable between team members.

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Mastering Mindfulness in Ecommerce, Web Design, Development and Marketing


This is a guest post by Kaira Jewel Lingo, a mindfulness teacher and spiritual mentor I've met last year at a wonderful retreat in Devon, UK. However, I have been using her guided meditations for many years in order to get some calm and ease in the middle of a busy day, or at the end of it. So it's a great pleasure to invite Kaira Jewel to teach us how to slow down and enjoy life around our screens:

Many of us spend much of our day on the Internet, focused on things like web development, UX, UI, marketing, or learning about the ever-fascinating world of ecommerce. Already surfing the Internet in our downtime for pleasure, shopping, or to read up on news can be quite addictive, all the more so when we must be online all day for our jobs and our income depends on rapid responses and quick decisions to market trends. It's so easy to get sucked down the rabbit hole and lose ourselves.

There are practices we can learn to help us to regain perspective, maintain our balance, joy, relaxation and ease and engage mindfully with technology. It's not easy, but it's extremely worthwhile.

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A Comprehensive Guide to Ecommerce Website Redesign in 2023

Articles Ecommerce Websites

Is this the year you’re going to redesign your ecommerce website? If it’s been a few years since you have, then you need to know that a lot has changed.

It almost goes without saying that a modern ecommerce site has to be designed for mobile first, as most that I work with now get 70% or more of their traffic from mobile devices. However that’s just a starting point—there are a lot of subtleties to consider if you want to your site to convert users into customers.

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A Comprehensive Guide to Applied Geometry in Design in 2023


Geometry is a unique and special science. Sacred in Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, and Masonry, geometry is believed to hold special powers which exert strong influence. Even religions that don't hold geometry as sacred, such as Christianity and Islam, still make extensive use of geometry in the design of their temples, art works, and many other things.

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Top 20 Awesome Logo Designs from the Cryptocurrency Industry


The cryptocurrency world is still a young one, but hoards of developers and investors are getting involved to make the push for better digital currency. With such a huge movement comes new design theories. Since there are so many websites focused on cryptocurrency, we wanted to explore some logo design inspiration from these sites. Enjoy!

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Getting Value From Online Graphic Design Courses: 2024 Guide


As with anything else you do in life, even if you're already extraordinarily rich, you should seek value when doing graphic design courses. When you spend money on something that is inferior and bad value, you are simply encouraging substandard providers to continue ripping people off, wasting your money, and most likely wasting your time as well.

In this article, we'll take a look at the different options available to help you achieve your desired outcome in the least time with the lowest cost. Those criteria are important, because the value determination is decided by the following formula:

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Avoidable Design Flaws That Can Hurt Your Site


The web was supposed to get better, that was the promise. And you'd think it would have, with all the increased awareness of accessibility and usability considerations. But strangely enough, we're more than 25 years in, and things are actually getting worse in general. How could this be so?

It can't be blamed on education. Every course in Internet Design and Development worth its salt covers the fundamentals of good design principles, usability, and accessibility. It can't be blamed on the engineering standards, because the W3C guidelines are stricter and more clearly defined than ever before. Nor can it be blamed on technology, because the technology is more supportive of developing high quality sites, not less.

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