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Top 20 Amazing Personal Infographics

Articles Design

Not so long ago, we brought some examples of infographic resumes, showing how designers promote their skills in a visual format.

Today we'll be featuring another kind of work that, despite not being as useful for job seeking as the resume, it could definitely open doors and leave a good impressiona about your talent and skills.

Personal Infographics are becoming indeed more popular. Nicolas Felton was responsible for that, back in 2005, when he published his first Feltron Annual Report.

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Cubes in Modern Architecture


It is an undeniable fact – highlighted in 2004 ‘Content' by Rem Koolhaas too – that ‘shape is easy'. It is recognisable; works with our subconscious; and in the case of Platonic solids like cubes shape is also a philosophical notion with numerous connotations – starting from symmetry and regularity; stretching as far as our reflections take us.

Cubes in particular are also ‘easy' to build but we believe their importance in architects' minds stays on the abstract plane.

There seems to be a certain inherent relationship between cubes' geometry and the notions of perfection and clarity of structure.

Thus, it is close to the highest honour among buildings to be cube-shaped, conspicuously derivative of cubes, or at least bear a cube name.

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50 Best Inspirational Photography Logos

Articles Design

If you're a freelance photographer, or are involved in a photo festivals or studio, there's no shortage of photography logos to inspire you.

Though photographers aren't logo designers, they are creatives with their own style which tends to be reflected in their logo.

Common motifs of photography logos include cameras, lenses, film, viewfinders, frames and tripods. Check out this collection of 50 inspiring photography logos before you set out to create one yourself!

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Discover the 10 Sources of Inspiration for Designers and Filmmakers


Creativity is an enigmatic aspect of human experience; it is often difficult to identify what it is that drives this impulse and the elements that inspire an artist's work.

Written from the perspective of a practicing painter and writer, this post brings together ten areas that are sources for artistic inspiration.

When an individual chooses a career path of freelance art or design, a career that depends on a constant supply of creativity, it is important to recognize what inspires the work, and how to stimulate one's imagination.

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